Saturday, December 28, 2019

Biography of Whitney Houston - 1357 Words

Whitney Houston is considered as one of the greatest singers of our generation. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, she holds the record of being the most rewarded female artist of all time. I chose her as my topic, because she represents resiliency and tenacity, despite her troubled experiences with drugs and her personal life. Whitney Houston comes from a family with an amazing, musical pedigree; her mother, Cissy Houston, was a successful back-up singer for Aretha Franklin and Elvis Presley. Dionne Warwick is her first cousin and Aretha Franklin is her godmother. In 1983, Houston was signed to Arista Records and music executive, Clive Davis, became her mentor and helped launch her successful career. Whitney Houston was†¦show more content†¦If an individual wants to be in the entertainment industry, one must know who they are and to develop a tough exterior, in order to overcome adversity and negativity. It is evident that Whitney was a people-pleaser and if s he did not please everybody, then it would take a toll on her and as a result, provided her with a lot of distress and pain. For this reason, possibly drew her into a realm of drugs and chaos. Psychosocial development was created by Erik Erikson, in which, mentions that personality is developed in a series of stages, throughout an individual’s lifespan. In particular, the Identity versus Role Confusion was a very profound stage to discuss, in regards to Whitney Houston’s life. Even though, she sold millions of records and won many awards, Whitney still felt empty in her personal life. In turn, she turned to drugs, as a means of support and to ease the pain of her emptiness. She mentioned in an interview with Oprah: â€Å"I spent my life making records and touring the world in my 20’s and 30’s†¦I totally forgot about singing, I was focused on finding my young womanhood.† (Winfrey, interview, 2009). In the beginning of her career, Whitney was to o busy promoting herself and getting her out there to music executives, in order to start her career. Clive chose all of the songs for her to sing and her mother picked the clothes that she would wear on stage. This poses a problem, because Whitney did not have theShow MoreRelatedComparison Between Michael Jackson And Whitney Houston1342 Words   |  6 PagesComparison between Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston’s Music and Personal lives. Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston were two of the biggest music acts in the world, selling hundreds upon thousands of records between them. Both acts rose to fame at an early age eventually earning the titles ‘The King of Pop’ (The Guardian, 2009) and ‘The Voice’ (IMDB, 2012) as well as earning plentiful awards in their careers; It is claimed that Whitney Houston is the most awarded female artist of all time. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Comparing Allah and God Essay - 3292 Words

Pakistan, 1986. Zahid was a Muslim priest who had been brought up to hate and kill those with conflicting beliefs, especially Christians. He often persecuted Christians in town, feeling that by doing so, he would please Allah (the Muslim god). One day when Zahid was persecuting Christians, someone dropped a Bible. Rather than disposing of it, as he normally would have, Zahid hung onto it because he felt compelled to read it and expose its errors. In short, Zahid converted to Christianity and shared the Bible’s teachings with everyone. As a result, he was considered a traitor. Zahid began to experience much of the persecution he had carried out against many Christians. For two years he was imprisoned, beaten, tortured, and eventually†¦show more content†¦Take, for example, the common trait of a monotheistic god who is creator, sustainer, and ruler of the world. Allah, like the Christian God, is seen as the most powerful being in the world; no one even comes close to co mparing to him. Similarly, no one can share power with him. Both beings also play a role in creation – they not only created the world and everything in it, but also constantly hold it together. Many people look at these similarities and, as a result, think the two beings are same. By looking at each in greater detail, though, the differences quickly become obvious. (al-Araby 44; Haneef 13-14, 15). Although both Allah and the Christian God are seen as monotheistic by their followers, Muslims see the definition of a monotheistic deity a little bit differently. Or, looking at it another way, Muslims do not understand the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. In Christianity, God is seen as one, but at the same time as having three distinct â€Å"persons† – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19 says, â€Å"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.† A singular â€Å"name† is applied to the three persons. Because this concept is impossible to grasp in its entirety, Muslims tend to see Christians as pluralistic (worshipers of three gods) when, in fact, they are worshiping one. To Muslims, the concept of a triune God does not fit inShow MoreRelatedCritical Thinking : Islam Worldview / Christian Worldview 21086 Words   |  5 Pagesfollow the Islam religion. It is the second largest religion in the world† (Lipka, 2017). Followers of Islam reference God as Allah. According, to the Islam religion they believe Allah created Adam and from him they created his wife Hawwa (Eve). Hence, the creation of Adam and Hawwa (Eve) took place over a six day period that focused on flawlessness of two human beings. Comparing Islam with Biblical Worldview The biblical worldview has several perspectives that are the same as Islam religionRead MoreThe Human Spirit After Death Is Mentally And Emotionally Demanding1421 Words   |  6 Pagesmyths are true. For instance, there hasn’t been any evidence or physical proof to determine the whereabouts of the human spirit after death. However, there are rumors, stories, and myths of people returning from the dead proclaiming to have witnessed God or other phenomenons. Yet, none of the accusations has been scientifically proven or with proper documentation, therefore, not being able to properly associate the truth with a specific religious organization beliefs on death and afterlife. BecauseRead MoreIslam Five Pillars1344 Words   |  6 Pagesrelevant. Central to the Muslim belief is the importance of devotion and total submission to Allah. This is put into practice through the Five Pillars of Islam –the five obligatory duties that must be performed by all practising Muslims. These are the acts of faith, prayer, charity, fasting and pilgrimage. Carrying out these duties creates structure in a Muslim’s life, teaching them to devote their time to Allah and not get caught up in their own secular lives. The effect the Five Pillars of Islam hasRead MoreComparing Islam And Christianity And Islam1731 Words   |  7 Pagesfundamental beliefs. Comparing and contrasting Islam and Christianity, is a wonderful example of these differences based on fundamental beliefs. This concept is explored in the rest of this work through critically accessing Christian and Muslim views on the question of origin, identity, meaning and purpose, morality, and destiny. Islam and Christianity are in agreement that the origin of both living things and man were created by God himself. The Qu ‘ran states that Allah (God) created the heavensRead MoreHuman Nature, Origin, And Salvation1711 Words   |  7 Pagesabout our nature, origin, and salvation. In this paper, I will be comparing and contrasting two different world religions that discuss the topic of salvation. 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Furthermore, getting the historic originRead MoreIslam : A Powerful Religion1437 Words   |  6 Pagesfollowers have a basic understanding that there is only one single and dominant God. The belief in monotheism is known to have risen d uring the time of Abraham. â€Å"Muslims, Christians, and Jews believe that a man named Abraham was the first person to worship a single God†¦Unlike other people of his time, the scriptures say that Abraham focused on the commands of a single deity, rather than on trying to appease many different gods.† Monotheism was a controversial idea amongst many societies and beliefs howeverRead MoreThe Most Influential Religions Of The World Are Christianity And Islam953 Words   |  4 Pagesfounded and taught, which includes the principle of total submission to Allah. When comparing the two religions, it is made apparent that there are a lot of differences in topics such as worship, practices, salvation, Jesus’s role, and many other things, which show the strength and weaknesses in both religions, and through those strengths and weaknesses it is made clear that Christianity is the more plausible religion.When comparing both religions, the first thing that separates them are the place ofRead MoreThe Comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religions1149 Words   |  5 PagesAbrahamic Religions are many. The primary difference of beliefs is that Abrahamic Religion believes that there is one God. Hinduism beliefs vary being Pantheistic, monotheistic and polytheistic it is one of the most complex religions of the world. In the comparison of Hinduism and Abrahamic Religion differ on their concept of God. Along with their differences on the concept of God the Hindu’s and Abrahamic Religions also differ on their concept of man’s destiny. Finally Hindu’s and Abrahamic ReligionsRead More Comparing Islam and Christianity Essay735 Words   |  3 PagesComparing Islam and Christianity Although they share several basic theological ideas, Christianity and Islam differ on countless key characteristics. The most prominent differences include atonement, the identity of God, heaven, view of Jesus, and the perception of the Christian Bible. It is these not-so-subtle contrasts of thoughts that separate the two most prevalent religions in the world. One of the most important differences in Christianity and Islam is the concept of atonement. In Christianity

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Paleolithic and Neolithic cultures Essay Example For Students

Paleolithic and Neolithic cultures Essay The Paleolithic Old Stone era began in about 40,000 10,000 B. C. The beginning of this period was marked by the first human hunter-gatherer societies. Hunting, fishing, and gathering of fruits and nuts were the main economic endeavors at the time. The responsibilities in these hunter-gathering societies were shared. The men of this period did the very dangerous hunting of large wild animals like bison and reindeer, while women gatherer fruits and nuts for an entire year. The small communities of 25-50 people came to consensus on decisions and ideas were shared. The extended family was core. Men and women both played a roll in child bearing. The people of this era lived in huts and caves. Caves were idealistic living quarters; they could be heated in the cold weather months and were cool in hot weather months. Caves were also good advantage points for observing prey. Caves were also the sites of representational art. Paleolithic cave paintings were of bison, horse, reindeer and mammoths. Historians believe that art may have been the cave dwellers attempts to control the environment through magic. Other representational art of this time included (Venus) figurines of women. The female figurines exaggerated the buttocks and breasts of women, perhaps in attempt to control fertility of women. Men spent a lot of time fashioning tools, like the javelin for hunting. The skilled craftsmanship of tools and the artists demonstrates at least a limited specialization of skills and division of labor, so these societies required organization in the villages. The desire to trade ideas and merchandise with other societies developed. The Neolithic New Stone era began sometime around 10,000 B. C. The beginning of this period was marked by the domestication of animals and plants. With men occupied in hunting, it may well have been females who first unraveled the secrets of agriculture. Humans specialized in the wild plants they collected and the animals they hunted. They began to learn how to control the environment in order to domesticate plants and animals. The domestication of animals perhaps started with dogs, which were useful in hunting. Then they learned to keep sheep, goats, chickens and cattle. Next came farming. They learned to grow wheat, barley, then legumes (beans). Craft specialization was evident, in addition to farming and shepherding, occupations in trading and accounting, iron working, clothing making, jewelers, artists and mining developed. The villagers mined copper (period was also known as Copper Age), gems, perhaps for pottery and hunting tools. Accountants were used for trade transactions. Technological advancements came into use like the wheel and complex metal casting. In Europe, elaborate temple complexes and other monuments were built, which required complex mathematics. Also during the Neolithic period, religions developed. Gods and goddesses controlled everything. Gods and goddesses of the earth and fertility were worshipped. There was a strong urge to create cities near water. The organization and engineering that took place in this period is what lead humans to civilization. Discuss the causes of ancient civilization. Civilizations evolved in response to the need in the Neolithic communities for organization and engineering. Early civilizations were very complex. In early civilizations there is evidence of large and specialized labor forces, strong government, technology to control the environment, significant projects in art and thought and the invention of writing. As Neolithic communities grew, there was a strong urge to create cities near water. The first civilizations began in Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and in the valley of the Nile River in Egypt around 3500 3000 B. C.. Large and efficient irrigation and drainage projects created channels, dikes, or dams to control floodwaters and to improve the fertility of the land. There was a need for social and economic hierarchies. The city was a society of strangers. There were single people as well as nuclear families in monogamous relationships. Civil rights came because you lived in a city. .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba , .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba .postImageUrl , .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba , .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba:hover , .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba:visited , .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba:active { border:0!important; } .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba:active , .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4bb14530925080ce45c3f980552236ba:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sexual Harassment EssayWith individual freedoms came more responsibilities. There were five main social classes. The first class was the royal family, which marked the first form of government monarchy. The position of king or queen was inherited. If there was not an eldest son, the daughter became queen. The second class in the hierarchy was the aristocracy. The third class was made of the burghers or the artisans, mechanics, teachers, accountants, scribes and translators. The fourth class was made of the serfs. Serfs could not be bought or sold, but could not leave the land on which they worked, they had specific jobs. The river valley society developed into city-states, independent political units that each contained a rural countryside with villages controlled by a capital city. The urban landscapes most visible sign of centralized authority was the temple. The temple was the most important authority in religion, politics and economics. Temples were wealthy and powerful and commanded loyalty because only a strong institution could control the large amount of manpower required to build these elaborate works of architecture. Religion and politics went together, and this was the monarchys way to prove their legitimacy. The religions at this time were polytheistic. For instance there could be 3 gods per city and 1 national god. There were military forces in early civilizations. The original police were the kings guards and temple guards. There were special military drills developed to train the armies to address the militarys main concern, how to deal with outsiders. Discuss Egyptian art, architecture, literature, and religion. Art Egyptian art consisted mainly of sculptures carved in stone, wood, or metal. They were statues of kings, queens, gods and goddesses, husband, wives, adults and children, officials, priests, scribes. The body posture was rigid and stiff. The face was very individualistic and drawn from life. Other art was exemplified in the tombs. The tombs were decorated with rich, multicolored wall paintings, the first narrative painting. There are scenes of the gods, court ceremony, ordinary life, war and recreation. The paintings served a religious purpose representations of the living were meant to perpetuate them in the afterlife. Egyptian craftsmen were masters of gold jewelry-work, glassmaking, and wood working. Architecture Egyptian architecture included royal tombs, palaces, forts, pyramids and temples. These structures were built in harmony with the unique landscape. Stone temples like Ramesses IIs project at Abu Simbel, two chambers were carved out of rock, and in front of the larger chamber were four seated colossal statues of Ramesses carved out of rock. Great Pyramids demonstrated the kings abililty to organize a vast labor force. Literature Ancient Egyptian literature is notable for its variety. Religious subjects, historical and commemorative records, technical treaties in mathematics and medicine, business contracts, and royal proclamations. The fibers of the papyrus plant could be made into writing paper. Egyptian writing is best known for hieroglyphics, a system of pictures and abstract signs that represent sounds or ideas. Hieroglyphics were used only for monuments and ornamentation. Religion Polytheistic human, animal cats dogs crocodiles gods were worshipped or Henotheist worship of one god without denying the existence of others, Moral do unto others you come before judges in the underworld where your sins are weighed. and the sinless are admitted into eternal life, Immortality focus on the afterlife. Death could be an extremely pleasant continuation of life on earth. Preserved bodies embalming the Egyptian mummy. The ka soul was immortal. Chief Gods Re (Sun) Osiris (Earth/Death) Sumerians The Sumerian city-states were the foundation for all civilizations. They were the first literate society. The potesi was the king or governor of the city state. He was a representative on earth of the gods. Cities were really governed by the gods, Ziggarats, or stepped towers were the main temples of the city-state. Epic of Gilgamesh was a story of heroic deeds. It showed the connection between gods and humans. .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f , .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f .postImageUrl , .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f , .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f:hover , .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f:visited , .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f:active { border:0!important; } .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f:active , .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7705c898e86b316ee3035c4584cec70f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Alexander the Great EssayThe main themes are friendship, loss, and the inevitability of death. Babylonians absolute monarchy Hammarabis Code was harsh and it showed the inequity of law. Serfs had little rights. Nobility had more rights, privileges and responsibilities. Weights and measures. Fate divination. All humans are weak/defective. Sacrifices to the Gods were given. Humans are very separated from the Gods Assyrians War and conquest. Asshur was their main God, a war-god,. Cavalry units First state to rule both Tigris and Euphrates and the Nile River Valleys. Expansionist theory. Military and merchantile power. Mass deportation. Conquered a country and uprooted the people. Punished rebellion. Chaldeans Neo Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar conquered and destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC. He deported the Judeans to Babylon in an event remembered as Babylonian Captivity. Cosmopolitan empire. Diverse, but superior and sophisticated. He rebuilt Babylon on a grand scale. Great interest in astronomy and astrology for religious reasons. Planets were Gods, cant be contained. Astronomers of that time could predict equinoxes and lunar eclipses and could calculate the movements of the moon and stars.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Urinary Tract Infection And Kidney Disease â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Urinary Tract Infection And Acute Kidney Disease? Answer: Introduction There exists a strong relation between urinary tract infection and acute kidney diseases and needs constant monitoring and redressal. Repeated occurrence of urinary tract infection could point at the presence of severe form of kidney disorders such as prostate gland enlargement in men and kidney stones in females (Chawla et al. 2014). Clinical association between UTI and confusion in the elderly The expressions of UTIs vary considerably in the old and the young have been often found to cause confusion in the elderly. The symptoms and expressions vary with the aged group due to the differential response of the body to the attacking germs and bacteria. The responses produced by the Urinary tract infections have been found to produce serious consequences in the elderly. Some of the elevated symptoms produced in the elderly are increased signs of confusion and agitation in the individual. Therefore, precautionary measures along such as emergency trauma care services need to be provided to the support user. Analysing aggravated health conditions in the patient There has been drastic health deterioration in the patient attributed to a number of conditions such as presence of asthma and cardiovascular disease. The man had been addicted to smoking as well which could increase his susceptibility to respiratory infections. As commented by Flores-Mireles et al. (2015), nicotine has been found to expose an individual to an increased plethora of infections. The patient here being a 78 year old man of aboriginal origin possess limited knowledge or has limited access to healthcare services. Therefore, he has been addicted to smoking and taken little care of his health. Thus, the situation of the patient needs to be monitored continuously. Therapy requirement In the current assignment the man had been admitted to the hospital with chronic urinary tract infections. Therefore, therapeutic interventions in the form of medicine and renal drugs were required to control the infection and manage the symptoms of pain within the patient. Conclusion The therapies administered should be supported with sufficient evidence based tools which would help in accessing the clinical conditions of the patient along with designing of effective care interventions There needs to be timely intervention and adequate amount of screening procedures for accessing the patient health. In this respect, conducting a urine analysis would help in measurement of the amount of secondary or toxic metabolites produces in the body. Thus, implementation of a detailed screening process would help in designing proper care plan. The responses produced by the Urinary tract infections have been found to produce serious consequences in the elderly. Some of the elevated symptoms produced in the elderly are increased signs of confusion and agitation in the individual. Therefore, precautionary measures along such as emergency trauma care services need to be provided to the support user. References Chawla, L. S., Eggers, P. W., Star, R. A., Kimmel, P. L. (2014). Acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease as interconnected syndromes.New England Journal of Medicine,371(1), 58-66. Flores-Mireles, A. L., Walker, J. N., Caparon, M., Hultgren, S. J. (2015). Urinary tract infections: epidemiology, mechanisms of infection and treatment options.Nature reviews. Microbiology,13(5), 269.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Solvent Essay Example

Solvent Essay Solubility of Organic Compounds Objectives: understanding the relative solubility of organic compounds in various solvents. Exploration of the effect of polar groups on a monopoly hydrocarbon skeleton. Introduction: The solubility of a solute (a dissolved substance) In a solvent (the dissolving medium) is the most Important chemical principle underlying three major techniques you will study in the organic chemistry laboratory: crystallization, extraction, and chromatography. In this experiment on solubility you will gain an understanding of the structural features of a substance that determine its solubility in various elevens. This understanding will help you to predict solubility behavior and to understand the techniques that are based on this property. In one part of this experiment, you will determine whether a solid organic compound is soluble or insoluble in a given solvent. You should keep in mind that this is actually an over simplification since some solids may be partially soluble in a given solvent. If the organic compound being dissolved in a solvent is a liquid, then it is sometimes more appropriate to say that the compound and the solvent are miscible (mix homogeneously In all proportions). Likewise, If the liquid organic impound Is Insoluble In the solvent, then they are Immiscible (do not mix, and form two liquid phases). A major goal of this experiment is to learn how to make predictions about whether or not a substance will be soluble in a given solvent. This is not always easy to do, even for an experienced chemist. We will write a custom essay sample on Solvent specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Solvent specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Solvent specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer However there are some guidelines which will often make It possible for you to make a good guess about the collectibles of compounds In specific solvents. In discussing these guidelines It Is helpful to separate the types of solutions we will be looking at into two categories: (1 ) Solutions n which both the solvent and the solute are covalent (molecular). (2) Ionic solutions in which the solute unionizes and dissociates. L. Solutions In which the Solvent and Solute are Molecular A generalization which is very useful in predicting solubility behavior is the widely used rule, Like dissolves like. This rule is most commonly applied to polar and monopoly compounds. According to this rule, a polar solvent will dissolve polar (or ionic) compounds and a monopoly solvent will dissolve monopoly compounds. The reason why this rule works has to do with the nature of Intermolecular forces of attraction. Although we will not be focusing on the attraction between polar molecules is called dipole- dipole interaction (or hydrogen bonding under certain circumstances); between monopoly molecules it is called London dispersion forces. In both cases these attractive forces can occur between molecules of the same compound or different compounds In this experiment, you will be testing the solubility of several compounds in several solvents. You will then be asked to explain these results primarily in terms of the polarity of the solvent and the solute. This can be done only if you are able to determine whether a substance is polar or monopoly. The polarity of a compound is dependent on both the polarities of the individual bonds and the shape of the molecule. For most organic compounds, evaluating these factors can become quite complicated because of the complexities of the molecules. However, it is possible to make some reasonable predictions by Just looking at the types of atoms which a compound possesses. As you read the following guidelines, it is important to understand that, although we often describe compounds as being polar or monopoly, polarity is a matter of degree, ranging from monopoly to highly alarm. Guidelines. These guidelines will be helpful in completing this laboratory experiment. They will help you to determine if a substance is polar or monopoly and to make predictions about solubility. 1. All hydrocarbons are monopoly. Examples: Hexane Benzene 2. Compounds possessing the electronegative elements oxygen or nitrogen are generally polar. Acetone Ethyl alcohol Ethyl acetate Ethylene Ethyl ether Water The polarity of these compounds depends on the presence of polar C-O, C=O, OH, NH and CNN bonds. The compounds which are most polar are capable of forming hydrogen bonds (see #4) and have NH or OH bonds. Although all of these polar. This is due to the effect of the size of the carbon chain on polarity and whether or not the compound can form hydrogen bonds. 3. The presence of halogen atoms, even though their electromagnetisms are relatively high, does not alter the polarity of an organic compound in a significant way. Therefore, these compounds are only slightly polar. The polarities of these compounds are more similar to hydrocarbons, which are monopoly, than to water which is highly polar. Examples Methyl chloride (disintermediation) Schoolchildren 4. When comparing organic compounds within the same family, adding carbon atoms to the chain decreases the polarity. For example, methyl alcohol (COACH) is more polar than propel alcohol (CHICHIS). This is because hydrocarbons are monopoly, and increasing the length of a carbon chain makes the compound more hydrocarbon-like. The general rule of thumb is that each polar group (groups containing nitrogen or oxygen) will allow up to 4 carbons to be soluble in water. 5. As mentioned earlier, the force of attraction between polar molecules is dipole- dipole interaction. A special case of dipole-dipole interaction is hydrogen bonding. Hydrogen bonding is a possibility when a compound possesses a hydrogen atom bonded too nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine atom. It is the attraction between this hydrogen atom and a nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine atom in another molecule. Hydrogen bonding may occur between two molecules of the same compound or between molecules of different compounds. Hydrogen bonding is the strongest type of dipole-dipole interaction. When hydrogen bonding between solute and solvent is possible, solubility is greater than one would expect for compounds of similar polarity that cannot form hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonding is very important in organic chemistry and biochemistry, and you should be alert for situations in which hydrogen bonding may occur. II. Solutions in which the Solute Unionizes and Dissociates Many ionic compounds are highly soluble in water because of the strong attraction between ions and the highly polar water molecules. This also applies to organic compounds that can exist as ions. For example, sodium acetate consists of An+ and CHOC- ions, which are highly soluble in water. Although there are some exceptions, you may assume in this experiment that all organic compounds that are n the ionic form will be water-soluble. Sections. For example, carboxylic acids can be converted to water-soluble salts when they react with dilute aqueous Noah: water-insoluble carboxylic acid water-soluble salt The water-soluble salt can then be converted back to the original carboxylic acid by adding another acid (usually aqueous HCI) to the solution of the salt: Amines, which are orga nic bases, can also be converted to water-soluble salts when they react with dilute aqueous HCI: amine This salt can be converted back to the original amine by adding a base (usually aqueous Noah) to the solution of the salt. Pre-Lab: . Several portions of this lab request that you make predictions regarding outcomes of solubility experiments. Make these predictions before you arrive in lab and record them on this worksheet. 2. Write a paragraph describing hydrogen bonding and draw an illustration of hydrogen bonding between water molecules. Do not forget to discuss electronegative, lone pairs and bond polarity. Complete this assignment on a separate sheet of paper and submit it at the beginning of lab. Lab Report Guide: 1. Results (5 pets) Tables neatly filled out Questions legibly answered Results: (Please fill out and submit with the lab report. Recopy if messy) Part A. Solubility of Solid Compounds Place about 40 MGM (0. 040 g) of phenyl into each of two dry test tubes. (Dont try to be exact: you can be 1-2 MGM off and the experiment will still work. ) Label the test tubes and then add 1 ml of water to the 1st tube and 1 ml of hexane to the 2nd tube. Determine the solubility of each sample in the following way. Using the rounded end of a spatula, stir each sample continuously for 60 seconds by twirling the spatula rapidly. After 60 seconds (do not stir longer), note whether the compound is soluble (dissolves completely) or insoluble (none of it dissolves). If all but a couple granules have dissolved, then you should state that the sample is soluble. Record these results in the following table. Now repeat the directions given above for with Miltonic acid. Record these results. Compound Water Prediction Water Result Hexane Prediction Hexane Result Phenyl Miltonic acid Problems 1. For each of the four solubility tests, explain your results in terms of the polarities. A. Phenyl in water b. Phenyl in hexane d. Miltonic acid in hexane Is hydrogen bonding possible for any of the 4 pairs of solids and solvent? If so, 2. Draw a picture showing a hydrogen bond between the solvent and solute. Part B. Solubility of Different Alcohols For each solubility test (see table), add 1 ml of solvent (water or hexane) to a test tube. Then add one of the alcohols drowses. Shake the tube after adding each drop. Continue adding the alcohol until you have added a total of 10 drops. If you see one layer, the liquids are miscible (soluble). If you see two layers, they are immiscible. Record your results (miscible or immiscible) in your notebook in table form. Methyl alcohol 1 -Octagon . Explain each of these results. Methyl alcohol in water a. B. Methyl alcohol in hexane . I-octagon in water d. I-octagon in hexane Part C. Miscible or Immiscible Pairs For each of the following pairs of liquid compounds, predict if the pairs will be miscible or immiscible. (It is best to make your prediction for each pair after you have tested the previous pairs. ) Then add 1 ml of both liquids to the same test tube. Use a different test tube for each pair. Shake the test tube for 10-20 seconds to determine if the two liquids are miscible (form one layer) or immiscible (form two layers). Record your results in the table. Mixture Prediction Result Water and Ethyl Alcohol Water and Ethyl Ether Water and Methyl Chloride Water and Hexane.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Write a Research Paper on Breast Cancer

How to Write a Research Paper on Breast Cancer It is expected by this time that every college student is conversant with research paper writing. When you were joining college, you possibly shuddered when your colleagues at the higher levels mentioned that they were doing a research paper. Chances are that your perception of research papers was that one had to go the field and perform a survey or experiment. However, when you did your first term paper, you probably laughed upon the discovery that a research paper is just like any other written assignment. Obviously, you have written so many research papers by now that no topic challenges you. Moreover, the Internet today provides handy tips on excellent research paper writing. Correspondingly, you can rely on the Internet to gain access to scholarly journals, textbooks, and newspaper articles. These and other sources contain more than enough of the materials you need to write a distinctive research paper. On top of this, the Internet will assist you to identify various topic subth emes about which you can center your writing. Numerous contentious issues that have led to splits and divergent opinions mar the world today. Many of these touchy issues are explored everyday, as evidenced by the many argumentative essays written daily on abortion, homosexuality, and drug legalization. From what has emerged so far, it appears there will not be a universally acceptable solution to these issues. Consequently, it is better to divert the focus on such subjective matters, and investigate issues that can be remedied. Over the past decades, breast cancer has rapidly grown to be a killer disease among the female fraternity. The bad news is that breast cancer attacks the young and the old, putting our mothers and daughters at stake. The media has injected significant input into the fight against breast cancer. Nonetheless, there is a need to educate more people on the symptoms and treatment of breast cancer. If you attend the annual forums for breast cancer awareness that are organized virtually across all nations, you will be told that an individual ought to self-test regularly. What might not be clear is how to do the test. Hence, a research paper on breast cancer can provide a more detailed clarification. A research paper of this form will be no different from the others in terms of formatting and style. The usual arrangement of introduction, body, and conclusion will apply. The only thing that the writer should observe is to write an exhaustive analysis of self-testing for breast cancer. According to research findings, the normal breast shape will be distorted if there are cancerous cells therein. This might compel the writer to provide graphical illustrations of a normal and cancerous breast. Since people believe that breast cancer is fatal, the writer should desist from concentrating unnecessarily much on the negative aspect. On the contrary, he or she should offer recommendations that are known to prolong life. For instance, incorporate herbal cures that are clinically proven to minimize the pain of breast cancer. You can contact our writing service to order a custom research paper which will be written by academic experts. Why not to try!?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Later Roman Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Later Roman Empire - Essay Example Stephen Williams and Gerard Friell discover why and how, contempt same political and military agitations, the western empire all but broke down and the eastern empire lived and amalgamated its strength confront of the incursive weak, barbarians, and immature imperial and machinations around the globe.   The article explores the threats from the huns, due to the fact of tribal power. The article discusses about the factors of durability during establishment of Roman Empire. It highlights the administrative, fiscal and diplomatic experience.The Rome That Did Not Fall examines the remarkable convalescence of the eastern empire, equating the straight and varying growths in east and west, and retracing the development of new accomplishments and schemes in the east_diplomatic, political, military and fiscal (Williams, Feriell 1). It gives a clear and explanatory discovery of the Roman Empire in fifth century.The end of the Roman Empire is written by BRYAN WARD. It discusses about the dec line of Roman Empire.   It highlites the factors and facts that are related to the decline of the Roman Empire. It covers both the sequential annihilation of the political, military, and economic and other related social schools of Rome and the barbarian encroachments that were concluded as its final sentence in Western Europe (Perkins 1).The Roman Empire decline was slow, it didn’t occur overnight. Many authors look this decline in several different perspectives. The slow decline took place over.... s raise the question about the importance of this date, this is not just because the legitimate emperor Julius Nepos, identified by the East Roman Empire, used to live in Dalmatia, until he was killed in 480. More significantly, the Ostrogoths who safely assumed themselves maintainers of the direct line of Roman traditions. And as Bryan noticed, the Eastern Roman Empire was losing its strength and continuously facing decline until the on May 29, 1453 when the Fall of Constantinople occurred. The author takes the new perspective of the Fall of Rome, by arguing that the caused the demise of the Empire. He has concluded that the fall of Rome was because of the political instability, reduced tax revenue and foreign invasion (Demandt 12). The invasion left long term damage on Rome. The invasion lessoned about the long term capability to equip the hordes with predictable outcomes. As regular invasions instigates provisional rebellion as self help by implementing imperial resources. He argu es that some people did not see the decline of the Rome as a bad thing for the involved. On the other hand, many authors consider the decline of the Rome as a disaster. The author also points the series of facts, and decision which caused the huge disaster in Rome (Jones 284). Western Europe has now recovered a lot but it took around thousand years and still there is room for recoveries. Rome still needs to recover a lot in order to retain its previous position back. The decline was a huge disaster and it needs more efforts and strong policies in all sectors in order to regain its position. Proper implementation of strong policies will surely help a lot in achieving the powering position of Rome (Heather 41). Western Europe has actually recovered a lot but it took a long to retain back its